movie – Menstrual Man and social enterprise inspirations
Thanks to a very dear couple friend of mine, Vik and Steph, the boy and I got to catch a very inspiring film, Menstrual Man, over the weekend at the Arts House. It tells the tale of the man behind the simple, cheap and easy to use machines to make sanitary napkins for rural women […]
JFF – See You Tomorrow, Everyone
So it was time for my annual ritual of catching the Japanese Film Festival since returning to Singapore from the JET program despite the fact that this year’s selects seemed a little lackluster and fell short on appeal to me with the many retrospective and 80s pieces. I think I made a wise choice for […]
World War Z
After a whirlwind week of organizing, packing and delivering The Dorsal Effect t-shirt orders and planning for the September trip to Lombok with a group, I figured I really needed a proper date night with the boy and thank goodness to GV for little perks like discounts on movie tickets with DBS cards. In a […]
Ruby Sparks and the Pygmalion Effect
So I accidentally caught Johnathon Dayton’s Ruby Sparks for love of Little Miss Sunshine, perhaps yet again falsely projecting my expectations of awe from a prior work unto this little piece. Yes, perhaps I was expecting more from this movie but then again, quirky stars and co-stars of the movies Zoe Kazan and Paul Dano […]
Nice knowing you
All she had was oatmeal and one David Bowie record to last her all summer. Wilco and Leonard Cohen vinyls to be rescued; quirky odd coupling of Steve Carrell and Keira Knightley? Never settle for anything less than amazing. I’m sold and so Seeking a Friend for the End of the World. 😉