
Shark Savers Educational Outreach and me

So I realized that a very much bigger part of my life this year thus far has been Shark Savers and having the freedom and flexibility of time to be able to go around the schools giving assembly or CCA group shark conservationĀ talls. Each one giving me more confidence and courage to fight on for the cause to save the sharks because of the encouraging responses. Children and youths are always my pet group to talk to, them with their impressionable ways that makes it easy to ignite a passion for sharks, when you first speak with fervour and passion as well.

Talking to little pre-schoolers at Between Two Trees and Little Skool Kent Vale was eye opening when I was reminded again about how the little brain has so much greater capacity to remember facts and figures. Most heartening indeed to hear the 5-7 year olds spewing shark facts and listing the species so enthusiastically, those moments were gold.

Going back alone to alma mater, Saint Andrew’s Junior College to speak to the Environmental Club students recently also proved fruitful, it’s always the spark in the eyes and the endless questions from the students, amidst the presentations, that always fires me up and I truly believe the power for change lies in the hands of our youth. Each successful presentation with heartening responses and fired up vows against eating shark fin soup or starting of a new initiative against shark fin soup on the students’ part for school projects and the likes, rouses me to want to reach out to as many schools in Singapore as I possibly can.

Time is running out for the sharks. Interior designer and property agent friends always ask me when would I start getting my dream home. There isn’t a thing as a dream home for me, just a shared world made beautiful because everyone else takes responsibility for being part of the share as well. I believe in a better world, I believe we can save the sharks, I believe the end of shark fin soup eating culture is going to happen in my lifetime and I truly believe my children and my children’s children can still see sharks alive. šŸ™‚





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