So I find myself back in the Chapel of the Resurrection today on Christmas despite a long hiatus and much deliberations about finding another church to worship yet. Yes, I am all about letting go and the power of change for better but I guess at the end of the day, I am still a creature of habit when it comes to faith and COR is dear being the place of worship since my SAJC days.
I took the Holy Communion partaking of the bread and wine for the first time today, it being an invitation the pastor extended to all since it is Christmas after all. As the sermon about judgement was preached, it served as a reminder to me too that just as I detest being judged, I should not be quick to judge others too.
A service like today’s also makes one take stock of the year that is coming to pass. A year typified by monthly Maad sessions with dear Ly whose presence has truly been a blessing in my life, alongside Therapy Dogs Singapore home visitations with dear Danea; getting to know and trying to bond a form class I could never really love as much as the one that graduated the year before; getting more actively involved in Sharksavers Singapore and getting to know the amazing volunteers in there while getting my ex students involved as youth Sharksavers as well; attending networking sessions to build capacity and reach for my The Dorsal Effect venture and of course, no least of all, getting to know the dear boy who has lit up my life while teaching me the lessons of love as well, painful as the lessons may sometimes be. Definitely a year where I have reaped in much and hopefully sown much as well.
Change is good but I need to remember to always be in gratitude of people and opportunities presented as well. There will be challenges ahead and I know I would feel miserable at points but I should start the coming year focusing on letting go of uptightness and learning to get into the zone, as I work on my pursuits relentless and true to my convictions in spite of the odds.
2013 will be filled with promise and hope and I would like to think opportunities, blessings and bliss too, as I take on Kenya, take off The Dorsal Effect and take the relationship with the boy to greater heights with new and exciting adventures and experiences, hopefully!